Hovey-Murray, Susan

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Hovey-Murray, Susan
Susan Hovey-Murray (Southern Methodist), known as Hallie, grew up in Richmond, Virginia. She did not struggle academically and was adept at following rules, but she did struggle socially. Her teachers frequently reported outbursts during the school day. In the third grade, she was expelled for the second time. Her parents could not figure out what was happening, but a therapist was finally able to offer a diagnosis when she was 10. Hallie is on the autism spectrum.

The diagnosis allowed Hallie to receive the therapy she needed and to be taken off much of the medication that she did not need. Although the diagnosis provided clarity, Hallie still faced challenges. She researched autism on her own, determined to rise above others' low expectations of her.

Hallie enrolled in Southern Methodist University and was initiated into Alpha Xi Chapter (Southern Methodist) in 2015. For a while, she kept her diagnosis quiet due to the stigma surrounding autism. After overhearing a disparaging comment, though, Hallie decided to write a newspaper column about her experiences and her achievements for the student newspaper. It was also published in the Richmond Times-Dispatch and responses poured in. When Hallie realized the impact of her article, she felt called to continue the work.

Hallie is incredibly accomplished and devoted to helping children with autism. She has written two books: Overcoming Expectations, a memoir about her own experiences growing up with autism, and Sadie Goes to School, a children’s story about a child with autism attending a mainstream school for the first time. She also speaks about autism at schools and community centers, answering questions from parents and the public. Additionally, she is the founder of the One in 68 Foundation, a nonprofit that provides college preparatory resources for high school students with autism.

Continuing her string of accomplishments, in 2019 Hallie earned her Juris Doctorate from the law school at William & Mary University. She has also won several beauty pageants, which she used as a platform to speak out about the importance of creating a more inclusive and accepting world.

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